The travesty of int'l law

Editor, RE: “Lt Gen Karake’s arrest: Britain owes us an apology” (The New Times, July 22).

Thursday, July 23, 2015


RE: "Lt Gen Karake’s arrest: Britain owes us an apology” (The New Times, July 22).

The arrest is just the latest proof, if any more was needed, that the world is truly a deadly jungle where might is right. It also proves that international law is a variable conceptual contraption that the mighty can bend to their will at their whim to use against the weak as they wish in the safe knowledge they themselves are immunized from ever having to facing it.

The Spanish indictment is also not merely "controversial”, it is an undisguised génocidaires’ political tract in the tradition of Kangura and RTLM that starts from the premise that the RPF-RPA is just a terrorist organisation created with the aim of committing genocide against the Hutu and eventually establishing a Hima-Tutsi empire in the Great Lakes of Africa. You don’t need to read beyond its fictional preamble to realise that this couldn’t be a judicial document but rather a political tract.

Thus, in choosing to honor a European Arrest Warrant based on such a risibly transparent political tract of génocidaire sympathisers, the British ‘legal’ system dishonors itself more than it does to Rwanda.

It shows either that their vaunted judicial standards have now fallen very low indeed, or that those standards were in fact always more a product of excellent propaganda than reality.

It is also the latest British attack, following the BBC’s so-called "Untold Story” and the haven they have provided to génocidaires, against the memory of our dead in the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Mwene Kalinda