You do not have to be a billionaire to help the needy

Editor, RE: “Meet Mama Lynda, the American mother with Rwandan kids” (The New Times, July 22). We are honored to serve and contribute to future we believe in by creating hope and purpose in the lives of the people God has put before us.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


RE: "Meet Mama Lynda, the American mother with Rwandan kids” (The New Times, July 22).

We are honored to serve and contribute to future we believe in by creating hope and purpose in the lives of the people God has put before us. Mama Lynda is a big inspiration; she helps not because she is a billionaire, but because of her big heart. Because of her character, God has surrounded her with many people with the same mindset who are willing to help.

Volunteers have made Acts 4 Rwanda rise very fast in the different programmes. Besides paying fees, medical insurance, scholastic materials, clothing and beddings, Acts 4 Rwanda provides mentorship, leadership and character development classes to help the children in the programme grow up with a clear vision and a sense of purpose.

We know that education without character and God makes one a clever devil. Our volunteers, who are mainly Cornerstone Leadership Academy and Bridge 2 Rwanda scholars, have done a great job in building the character of the Acts 4 Kids.

At Acts 4 Rwanda we believe that every child/human being was created to lead as reflected by the creation story. Leadership is not a position but right influence on the lives of others.

God bless Mama Lynda and her team.

David Alireki