Primary schools threaten to abandon students’ body

EASTERN PROVINCE  NGOMA — Primary schools in Ngoma district have threatened to leave an association of primary and secondary schools, called Ngoma Sport Schools Association (ASS-Ngoma) over annual financial contributions.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Primary schools in Ngoma district have threatened to leave an association of primary and secondary schools, called Ngoma Sport Schools Association (ASS-Ngoma) over annual financial contributions.

At a meeting of head teachers this week, primary school head teachers were furious after learning that various secondary schools have failed to honour their financial obligations.

According to the rules governing the association, each primary pupil is supposed to pay Frw200 for sport, while each secondary school student is supposed to pay Frw500.

Whereas secondary students’ contributions are deducted from each student’s schools fees, primary schools’ pupils’ money is deducted from the grant given to the school by the Sports Ministry.

At the meeting however, it was realised that not even half of the secondary schools have paid this year’s money.

Out of Frw5.5m supposed to be paid by secondary schools, only Frw1.2m has been paid, yet primary schools have collected about Frw11m out of Frw13m to be paid. 

One of the primary head teachers, Jumah Tanganyika, of Kibungo B Primary School fumed and said: "We are tired of secondary schools that always don’t fulfil the rules and regulations governing our association. We better have our own association.”

It was however, resolved that all the defaulting schools pay their contributions not later than yesterday (Friday).

"There will be consequences to those who will not complete their payments on the agreed day,” Victor Jemadhali, the district director of schools warned.

"The rules and regulations governing this association are clear and they are to affect all those who go against them,” he added.

The meeting held at the district and attended by both primary and secondary school head teachers, was convened to find ways of facilitating the on-going primary schools sports competitions.

The association was formed to help in raising money to support sports at both levels in the district.
