We should put our good intentions into effecient action

Editor, RE: “Use agriculture as stepping-stone to industrialisation” (The New Times, July 17). We all generate very good intentions. But where is the expertise to implement those good intentions into concrete, effective and efficient action?

Monday, July 20, 2015


RE: "Use agriculture as stepping-stone to industrialisation” (The New Times, July 17).

We all generate very good intentions. But where is the expertise to implement those good intentions into concrete, effective and efficient action?

There recently has been a promise, another good intention I warmly saluted, that of creating and spreading throughout the country community processing centres. I only wish these centres will be adequately staffed with appropriately trained experts.

But my wish greatly risks also turning into a merely wishful intention as, to my present knowledge, Rwanda does not, as yet train, and therefore dispose of, a pool of product development experts to work in those planned processing centres.

Conclusion; despite the goodwill and good intentions from all of us, alas the lack of the foundational pre-requisite, that of right human expertise will lead up to the risk of having in place another ubiquitous chain of unfruitful improvisations.

Francois-Xavier Nziyonsenga