Can the HIV virus survive outside the body?

Dear Doctor, Is it true that HIV is weak and cannot last long outside the body? How long does it take to die if it is outside the human body?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dear Doctor,

Is it true that HIV is weak and cannot last long outside the body? How long does it take to die if it is outside the human body?


Dear Anonymous,

The HIV virus enters the human body, gains entry into lymphocytes, changes its structure and then multiplies. This process takes weeks and for the first 3 months, one may test negative. But its survival is difficult outside the body.

Many people question the possibility of getting infected due to contact with infected body fluids outside the body. It should be known that HIV is a very fragile virus. It needs a human host to survive and multiply. Human body temperature and chemistry are vital for its survival. Outside the body, the virus is killed by heat within minutes. For example, as soon as the blood dries up, the virus will die.  However in certain circumstances, the virus may live longer outside the human body. This depends on the body fluid, concentration of the virus, acidity of environment, sunlight, temperature and humidity. 

In a damp environment, it can live longer.  HIV transmission has not been documented to occur due to contact with spillage of fluids outside the body. Once the virus dies, it cannot be resurrected. However one should be careful, while handling body fluids of HIV infected persons because there is a potential risk. A very small risk statistically can become 100% when it occurs practically.