I have pain in my lower abdomen

Dear Doctor, I have pain in my lower abdomen and back. My private parts also itch. What could I be suffering from? Tracy

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dear Doctor,

I have pain in my lower abdomen and back. My private parts also itch. What could I be suffering from?  Tracy

Dear Tracy,

You are likely to be suffering from pelvic infection. Infection of the pelvic parts like genital parts, lower end of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries can be sexually acquired.  There is a high risk of acquiring pelvic infections, if somebody has sex with an infected person. The risk increases due to sex with multiple partners and starting sexual activity at a younger age.

The risk of acquiring pelvic infections also increases due to poor pelvic hygiene, particularly during menses. This occurs as dampness caused by blood flow facilitates growth of bacteria. Women are also prone to urinary tract infections because of the short length of urethra (tube connecting bladder to exterior).  If microbes enter the urinary bladder, they can easily travel to pelvic organs due to close proximity of these parts.

The germs commonly causing pelvic infections are gonococci, Chlamydia, trichomonias, etc. Fungal infections like yeast. can cause vaginal itching as well as pain. A woman may have no problem due to these infections. But majority of cases have genital itching, pain in the lower abdomen, low backache, vaginal discharge, one or more of these symptoms. Diagnosis is made easily, based on clinical features.  A simple microscopic examination shows the type of infection. Treatment by suitable antibiotic cures the condition.

Pelvic infections can be prevented by having sex with one partner and maintaining good perineal   hygiene. One should wash genital parts after passing urine and sex. This prevents deposition of germs and their subsequent entry in pelvic parts. During menstruation, a woman should keep herself clean and dry. Drinking adequate water can prevent urinary tract as well as pelvic infections.

There is a possibility that genital itching could be due to superficial fungal infection and backache could be musculo-skeletal strain secondary to bad working postures. Chronic constipation and or intestinal infections like ascaris, amoebiasis, etc. can also cause lower abdomen pain. They can be detected by microscopic examination of stool and are treatable.