KCC holds Accountability Day

Kigali City Council yesterday held its Accountability Day at its Headquarters in Kigali town. The day which is normally held every quarter, has an aim of showing the people what achievements have been registered as promised in each quarter.

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Jeanne du2019Arc Gakuba.

Kigali City Council yesterday held its Accountability Day at its Headquarters in Kigali town. The day which is normally held every quarter, has an aim of showing the people what achievements have been registered as promised in each quarter.

Among the achievements that Kigali city was able to register recently was the good voter turn up in the just concluded Parliamentary elections which earned it an award from the National Electoral Commission.

Kigali city was also awarded the World Habitat Scroll of Honour setting a record of being the first African country to get it. It’s the highest United Nations- Habitat accolade.

According to the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Jeanne d’ Arc Gakuba, the city also has registered a number of achievements in the economic field where they have been able to construct roads, major trenches which had been a threat to peoples lives and some houses for the needy in all three districts that make up Kigali city with the help of the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC).

Accountability day as a principle is supposed to be observed in all Provinces around the country.

"We hold accountability day every three months and after six months we present the achievements to the Prime Minister and we present the achievements to the President after twelve months,” she explained.
