Police reconciles 35 broken families in Ngororero District

Michel Habineza, a resident of Nyange Sector in Ngororero District, used to derive his passion in spending all his earnings on alcohol; caring less about his wife and children’s survival. At times, he would return home to his hungry family and batter them.

Friday, July 17, 2015
(AIP) Minani talks to couples in Ngororero before their reunion on Tuesday. (Courtesy)

Michel Habineza, a resident of Nyange Sector in Ngororero District, used to derive his passion in spending all his earnings on alcohol; caring less about his wife and children’s survival. At times, he would return home to his hungry family and batter them.

Time came when Habineza’s wife, Pélagie Yankurije,  could not take it anymore; she had to separate with her husband and left him with their three children.

According to Habineza, 54, separating with his wife did not make him change.

"I continued with my routine. Every time I got paid, my first priority was drinking; I could not stop until I ran out of money, then I could stagger home. At home, I had terrorised my family until my wife decided to leave,” he says.

This nightmare of a life for Habineza is no more. With the help of the Police’s family reconciliation programme, Habineza has changed his life and reconciled with his wife.

"I have vowed to change my lifestyle and I am happy that my wife has promised to forget everything and return home,” he says.

Indeed, Habineza recently  met his wife after years of separation at a town hall meeting called by the Police and National Women’s Council in Ngororero to reconcile wrecked families.

The couple keenly followed lessons from Inspector of Police (AIP) Alexandre Minani, who encouraged them to reconcile and reunite.

"My husband now understands that it is wrong to spend all his earnings on alcohol, batter his partner and starve the family. I am going to return to my family and hope to live happily with my husband since he has promised to change,” Yankurije said.

She also thanked the Police for its role in mending her family and also requested the force to continue assisting more families to settle wrangles amicably.

Habineza’s family is part of the 35 families that the Police reconciled and reunited in Nyange Sector on Tuesday.

Police worked with the district coordinator of the National Women’s Council, Julienne Nyirahabimana, and the sector’s executive secretary, Ernest Niyonsaba.

During the reunion, partners are asked to speak out about the root causes of their misunderstandings, which is used as a basis to reconcile them.