Editor, The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom), with the support of donor agencies, has come up with an interesting project named “Rural Small and Micro-enterprise Project Promotion”.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom), with the support of donor agencies, has come up with an interesting project named "Rural Small and Micro-enterprise Project Promotion”.
This project is worth replicating.
First, the Government has the biggest and most crucial role to play in promoting micro-enterprises. I believe the focus of micro-enterprise policy should be rural, agriculture, handicrafts (and similar enterprises), women-led micro-enterprises, and financial accessibility.
Second, there is need for seamless coordination of various players’ interventions in the field. I would dare suggest that under Minicom, there is need for a state minister, if not an independent ministry, on micro, small and medium enterprises. India has a dedicated a fully fledged ministry for this sector and the fruits are obvious given Indians’ strong entrepreneurial culture.
If the ministry is not feasible, there is need for a national committee that covers all the key players in SME promotion.
Kigali Girl
Reaction to the story, "Why ‘small jobs’ are answer to unemployment” (The New Times, July 10)