Museum can be anything

Dear editor,Recently something that was long over due, was finally done.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Dear editor,
Recently something that was long over due, was finally done.

That is to make the former house of the dictator- Habyalimana a museum.

The luxurious house, I am sure will make a lot of money as people of all walks come to see for themselves, where evil plans that still haunt Rwandans, were made.

I am sure all ills against innocent Rwandans that culminated into the genocide, were made in the house.

The old, the young, and even those who will be born later, will visit the house with all human curiosity.

The move to make it what it is today is therefore beautiful.

A museum can be anything and anything that attracts people’s curiosity, can make business and probably go beyond to teach people a lot in terms unity and reconciliation.

We need to tell history using all avenues.