I feel sleepy during holidays

Dear Doctor, Why do holidays make me sleepier than normal days when I am at school?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Dear Doctor,

Why do holidays make me sleepier than normal days when I am at school?


Dear Nelson,

Excess somnolence or sleepiness most commonly occurs as result of fatigue.  People who work for long hours continuously feel very sleepy once the work is finished or they get a chance to sleep. Long distance travellers, people working in night shifts, executives working for very long hours and students studying till late in the night all risk feeling very sleepy on some days. A student may stay up till late for some nights chatting or watching movies which breeds drowsiness in some cases.

Those with sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnoea and restless leg syndrome do not get sound sleep and can have excess somnolence as a sequel whenever they sleep. Narcolepsy is a condition where one has excess somnolence even while eating or sleeping.

A heavy stomach due to a heavy meal or chronic constipation can also make one somnolent. The possible reason stated is that more blood is diverted from brain to gut to facilitate digestion.

Certain drugs like anti-allergy drugs, anti-depressants and some painkillers cause much sleepiness as a secondary effect. Apart from these reasons, one can feel sleepier due to some sickness. Common cold and headache are conditions which can make one feel feel exhausted and wanting to sleep. Chronic deficiencies like anaemia may make one feel very weak and want to sleep all the time.

The best thing for you is to set a schedule for sleep and waking. Try to sleep at a fixed time every night. Avoid alcohol and caffeine among others which can disturb sleep. Leave the bed after 7- 8 hours of sleep. Taking a balanced diet, drinking adequate amount of water and regular physical exercise will make one feel healthy and fresh.