We should not let other people determine what is best for us

Editor, RE: to the editorial, “Only Rwandans know what is best for them” (The New Times, July 5).

Wednesday, July 08, 2015


RE: to the editorial, "Only Rwandans know what is best for them” (The New Times, July 5).

In my view, the problem isn’t really lack of political will; it is in fact too much of the wrong kind of will. It is their will to dominate, to decide who has rights, including that of life itself, and whose life doesn’t matter much. It is the will to impose their choices over yours, even when it is an entirely internal matter in which they have no legitimate right to interfere. That, in a nutshell, is the real problem we face.

Our own obligation as Rwandans is to ensure they know how far we are prepared to allow their encroachment on our affairs. It is also to make them understand that, in view of our extremely painful experience with trusting in their goodwill, where our security and other fundamental interests of our people are concerned, only Rwandans will determine what is good for us, nobody else.

Mwene Kalinda