MTN gives to Muslims

MTN Rwandacell Tuesday, donated foodstuffs to the Muslim communities of Nyamirambo, Gikondo and Kacyiru Districts.John Bosco Sendahangarwa, MTN’s Public Relations Officer who is in charge of promotions and sponsorships, said that MTN wanted to celebrate the recently concluded Idd el Fitri day with the Muslim community. 

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
MTNu2019s John Bosco Sendahangarwa (R) hands foodstuffs to the Muslim Community in Nyamirambo while Mufti Saleh Nsabimana claps in appreciation. (Photo/ G.Anyango)

MTN Rwandacell Tuesday, donated foodstuffs to the Muslim communities of Nyamirambo, Gikondo and Kacyiru Districts.
John Bosco Sendahangarwa, MTN’s Public Relations Officer who is in charge of promotions and sponsorships, said that MTN wanted to celebrate the recently concluded Idd el Fitri day with the Muslim community. 

"This year, we wanted to partner with the Muslim community and celebrate with them their special day, Idd el Fitri,” Sendahangarwa said as he addressed the Muslims of Nyamirambo at their mosque grounds.

MTN donated food to 500 people, each taking home four kilogrammes of rice, a kilo of beans and a litre of cooking oil.

"There are so many Muslims in these areas that wanted to celebrate Idd but could not afford to. So MTN donated these foodstuffs as a way of giving to the needy,” the PRO said.

He added that it was a corporate social responsibility for the telecom company to give back to the community.

He also noted that giving foodstuffs specifically to the Muslim community is the first operation of the kind, adding that MTN has given before, to people living in earthquake hit areas, refugee camps, widows, orphans and many others.

The Mufti, Nsabimana Saleh, said that the partnership with MTN has furthered the cause of helping the poor.

"Idd el Fitri is all about giving and we thank MTN for supporting Muslims in Kigali, especially after Ramadhan (30-day fasting period),” the Mufti said during an interview.

When asked why this donation was not done on Idd day, he said that it just was not possible.

However, he added that a more appropriate time was chosen so that they could first identify those who are really needy and cannot afford such food luxuries.

Nsabimana explained that already an amount of Frw7 million was set aside by the Muslims in order to cater for 1200 needy Muslims. They are each given an amount between Frw40,000 and Frw50,000.

"This money was given to enable them get the things they needed instead of begging for money all the time,” the Mufti said.

He emphasised that they were not in the habit of just supplying money to anyone who begged for it. He said that they did this as a way of celebrating Idd.

However, he urged all Muslims to work hard as they also find ways of involving them in money making projects that will improve their welfare rather than begging for money.

Of the 500 Muslims who benefited from MTN’s donation, 300 live in Nyamirambo, 100 in Kacyiru and 100 in Gikondo.
