Understanding the Rwandan psych, especially its politics, needs a little bit more than just stereotyping and guesswork.
Understanding the Rwandan psych, especially its politics, needs a little bit more than just stereotyping and guesswork.
One good example is the One Dollar Campaign that raised funds to build accommodation to young Genocide survivors. When that was done, in order to counter donor threats to cut funding, another home based solution, the Agaciro (dignity) Development Fund was launched, even among Rwandans living in the Diaspora.
Billions were voluntarily raised to plug the aid gap, a feat that would be difficult to emulate in many countries, even the most developed, where many wait to benefit from the government, and not the other way round.
That spirit of galvanizing the population in the service of their country is the missing ingredients in many countries. In how many countries can one find people ready to dig into their pockets to bail out their country? Not many, one can rest assured.
Now that kind of solidarity has been taken a notch higher, and all in the name of that magical word that seems to rally Rwandans from all walks of life if anyone wants to tamper with it; dignity.
Local business men have now launched a new drive, to raise the One Million Pounds towards the bail conditions of Gen. Karanzi Karake, who has been held in the UK for the last week. In the first sitting, at least ten percent of the amount was raised; and that is just the beginning.
The leadership of this country never fails to drum up the ideology of self reliance, and the above mentioned policies are an indication that it is not a pipedream, but within the realms of our reach.