Regulatory agency to fight coffee diseases

WESTERN PROVINCE RUTSIRO — Rwanda’s coffee regulatory authority (OCIR Café) has embarked on a programme aimed to combat coffee diseases in the Western Province.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


RUTSIRO — Rwanda’s coffee regulatory authority (OCIR Café) has embarked on a programme aimed to combat coffee diseases in the Western Province.

The programme was launched last week, in Rutsiro District with the spraying of ‘DURSBAN 4’, insecticide.

‘DURSBAN 4’ is an insecticide that kills coffee pests. It was provided by the government at no cost to all farmers.

Speaking at the official launch of the spraying in Kivumu Sector, the head of OCIR Café in the Western region, Protais Hakizimana, said the initiative would boost coffee production that has previously been affected by the diseases.

"It is important to thank the government of Rwanda for its constant efforts to help coffee farmers to increase their production,” he said.

Hakizimana, who was flanked by Rutsiro vice mayor in charge of economic development, explained that after Rutsiro, the programme would cover other districts of the province.

Hakizimana reminded residents that coffee diseases and pests like termites reduce its production by 40%.

He added that if coffee is given much care, its production can tremendously contribute to the government’s economy.

"Given attention and good care to coffee growing, you can gain much and contribute a lot to the country’s revenue,” he said.

Eric Muhawenimana, a coffee farmer in Kivumu sector, thanked the government for its kind support to coffee farmers.
