Mentors urged to sensitise students on crime

Mentors in schools should continuously involve and reach out to their students and sensitise them about their role in fostering community safety, as well as the dangers of getting involved with criminal elements and activities.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Mentors in schools should continuously involve and reach out to their students and sensitise them about their role in fostering community safety, as well as the dangers of getting involved with criminal elements and activities.

The message was delivered by Police, officers on Wednesday, during a meeting with administrators from eight schools in Ruhango District.

The meeting, in Ruhango Sector, also attracted Police officers operating in the region and district leaders. It was presided over by the Vice Mayor for Social Affairs, Jolie Gérmaine Mugeni, who commended Rwanda National Police for its continuous partnership in crime prevention.

She also lauded school administrators for cooperating with RNP, and urged them to closely work with local leaders in matters related to public safety and security.

"It is the responsibility of each member of society to maintain public safety, but it is the role of school administrators to promote crime prevention throughout their school premises. Administrators should indicate a proactive stance on crime prevention and be exemplary to students,” Mugeni said.

"You should always conduct awareness programmes and debates to encourage students to become active in securing their campuses against criminals,” she added.

The Ruhango District Police Commander, Richard Rubagumya, urged the administrators to remind students of their role, to adhere to the rule of law whether at school or in their home communities, as well as be exemplary.

"To become true partners in crime prevention, schools should play their part in maintaining a safe and secure campus for all students by providing timely information to law enforcers whenever they suspect activities such as drug use and violence,” he said.

"We need you to serve as our eyes and ears since you are in a better position to identify behaviour and activities that are out of the ordinary in your school compounds and encourage students to be quick and effective in providing accurate and timely reports of emergency or suspicious incidents,” Rubagumya said.

He also reminded them to adequately deal with problems brought to their attention by students before they escalate.