EDITORIAL: Attempts to re-write Rwanda’s history will fail

Western justice works in mysterious ways as the recent arrest in the UK of Lt Gen Karenzi Karake vividly shows. For starters, how can some long-disreputed Spanish indictment suddenly come to life after seven years, the flimsy and flawed charges not withstanding?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Western justice works in mysterious ways as the recent arrest in the UK of Lt Gen Karenzi Karake vividly shows.

For starters, how can some long-disreputed Spanish indictment suddenly come to life after seven years, the flimsy and flawed charges not withstanding?

There has been ample time to dissect the indictment against 40 Rwandans ever since they were signed by some obscure junior magistrate in 2008. Even the Spanish High Court quashed the indictment in 2014 because it was a product of very fertile imagination.

It is an open secret that supporters of the architects of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi were the sponsors of the so-called investigations. In 2009, the UN Group of Experts went as far as documenting the fact that the two Spanish organizations; Inshuti and Fundació S’Olivar, were openly advocating for and funding the FDLR militia.

FDLR are remnants of the defeated former Rwandan Army (Ex-FAR) and Interahamwe militia who executed the Genocide. So, what does the arrest of Rwanda’s head of national intelligence and security service on such flimsy grounds mean? Are some people in the British establishment expressing tacit approval of the shady Spanish organizations and, therefore, by default, sympathetic to the genocidal cause?

Whatever the case, it is not a coincidence that a UK government organ, the BBC, crossed that line long ago with their offensive revisionist programmes that they obstinately refuse, to this day, to acknowledge.

But whatever machinations are being played out there, the truth should not be allowed to be trampled upon, neither should the memories of over one million lives that perished in full view of the international community, the British included.

If it is another attempt to sanitise the FDLR and other genocidaires, they will fail dismally because a history etched in blood will not be washed away with a mere stroke of a pen.