SevenHills, a hospital with a heart

Editor, This letter is with reference to your article, “Rwandan nurses get specialised training in India” (The New Times, June 19).

Thursday, June 25, 2015


This letter is with reference to your article, "Rwandan nurses get specialised training in India” (The New Times, June 19).

Please allow me to share with your esteemed readers that since the Rwandan nursing delegation, led by Emmanuel Dushimimana, Nursing Director at Butaro Hospital, commenced their training at the SevenHills Hospital, they have experienced the highest level of care, concern and support from the entire hospital management.

Their comprehensive training—a healthy mix of classroom sessions as well as practical experience in various departments like emergency, outpatient department, daycare, oncology, dialysis, and cardiology, etc.—is grooming them well to offer a higher level of service to Rwanda's health care sector on their return.

The wide variety of cases that they are being exposed to in India is sharpening their nursing skills considerably.

What is important to note, however, is that the SevenHills—a world class, super specialty, award-winning institute—could well be considered a hospital with a ‘heart’.

Here in India, while the facilities cater for an elite clientele, at the same time, they have a special section looked after by the same set of experienced doctors and nurses for the poor and economically backward people of the city. Over the last one month, we have had a Rwandan patient, who on successful completion of onco surgery, is now getting ready to fly back home where she will continue the chemotherapy under the guidance of the SevenHills onco specialists.

Again, SevenHills has so kindly agreed to train as many as forty-eight Rwandan nurses in batches of four each month. With this initiative, Rwandan nurses will enhance their knowledge and expertise to a great extent.

The offer has also been extended to train Rwandan doctors, should the Ministry of Health be interested.

In conclusion, let me share a recent quote from US President, Barack Obama: "If you are walking down the right path and you are willing to keep walking, eventually you will make progress.”

It is my firm belief that this great nation, under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame, is definitely walking down the right path and the goals and aspirations set out in Vision 2020 will endorse the progress made by this land of a thousand hills and a million smiles!

Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India