Nigerian preacher donates to Genocide memorial centre

The Kigali Genocide Memorial fund has been boosted by a donation of clothes worth Frw500,000 from Nigerian Pentecostal cleric Apostle Dr. Rufus Peter Mba, founder of Miracle Centre, a born-again Christian church with branches across all regions of Africa.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Kigali Genocide Memorial fund has been boosted by a donation of clothes worth Frw500,000 from Nigerian Pentecostal cleric Apostle Dr. Rufus Peter Mba, founder of Miracle Centre, a born-again Christian church with branches across all regions of Africa.

Yvonne Umugwaneza, the officer at the memorial in charge of Marketing and Public Relations said that the donation is part of the social outreach programme which assists genocide widows and orphans to meet basic household necessities.

The cleric said that it was his responsibility as a missionary and an African to help women who have suffered misfortune, to rebuild their lives.

He said that upon his return to Nigeria, he would sensitise fellow Nigerians and he would return with more donations for the fund.

He also lamented the lack of information regarding the Rwanda Genocide in his country.

"It is quite unfortunate that in Nigeria, the Rwanda genocide is unknown to many people. Only a few people are informed about it and even then, these few read about it only from books. As matter of fact, the Rwanda genocide is a big lesson to every African country,” said Mba.

Mba further commended Rwanda’s commitment to move forward after the destruction of the genocide, pointing out the success the country has registered in the development of her physical infrastructure and information technology sectors.
