Two arrested with over 2,000 pellets of cannabis

Police in Ngororero District are holding two men in connection with trafficking and trade of narcotic drugs. Gerardine Mukabaziga and Joseph Dukorimana were arrested on Friday while transporting over 2,000 rolls of cannabis on a motorcycle.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Police in Ngororero District are holding two men in connection with trafficking and trade of narcotic drugs.

Gerardine Mukabaziga and Joseph Dukorimana were arrested on Friday while transporting over 2,000 rolls of cannabis on a motorcycle.

They are currently being held at Kabaya Police Station pending further investigations.

Police Spokesperson for Western Province, Superintendent Emmanuel Hitayezu, disclosed that their arrest followed information that had been provided by members of the public.

He urged the public to partner with the Police through provision of timely information with view to protect communities against illegal drugs and illicit brews.

"We have formed local partnerships to do this, but more still needs to be done through community policing in order to completely cut off both the manufacturing and distribution chains of these products.”

Constant operations and sensitizations have been conducted by RNP and its partners in crime prevention to end this scourge; especially among border communities still struggling with individuals and gangs that trade in the smuggling of drugs from neighboring countries.

"To overcome this challenge, dealers in narcotics must be brought to justice, but we should recognize and encourage the wider role that partnership between Police and the general public can play in reducing the impact of this scourge on our communities,” he added.

RNP continuously engages in breaking the supply chain of narcotics by mapping-out individuals and groups involved in this crime, which has led to the arrest of hundreds of dealers, most of whom have been prosecuted and banned brews and drugs such as cannabis seized and destroyed, he said.