More needed to empower youth

Dear Editor,Let me, through your paper, first of all thank the First Lady’s Imbuto Foundation initiative for the recent young entrepreneurs’ competition.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dear Editor,
Let me, through your paper, first of all thank the First Lady’s Imbuto Foundation initiative for the recent young entrepreneurs’ competition.

Many Rwandans have great ideas but usually fail to kick start them due to lack of capital.

Even banks are not that helpful. It’s hard to know what help they can offer as far as turning ideas into reality.

I hope more of such initiatives like the one of the First Lady can be developed.

If there are any programmes or projects supposed to help Rwandans either in project proposal design, budgeting, management, they should inform Rwandans and not return the money to the funders.

Unless they are swindling or spending the funds on their huge fuel guzzling Prados and selfish lifestyles, such programs should translate into better off Rwandans.

Rwandans, especially the youth, should be empowered when they are still dreamers so that they can turn their dreams into bright futures.
