Woman arrested over counterfeit money

Police in Kigali are holding a 27-year-old woman suspected of being part of a ring that circulates counterfeit money in and around the city.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Police in Kigali are holding a 27-year-old woman suspected of being part of a ring that circulates counterfeit money in and around the city.

The suspect, Betty Mukamugema, is detained at Nyamirambo Police Station, after she was arrested in Nyabugogo while trying to send counterfeits worth Rwf100,000 via mobile money service.

Police said Mukamugema’s arrest, on June 16, followed a tip-off from the mobile money agent who, after realising the money received from the suspect was counterfeit, immediately called for Police intervention.

"Police arrived at the scene soon after and arrested the suspect – and, upon searching her, the officers also discovered that she was in possession with five national identity cards belonging to different individuals,” Supt.

Modeste Mbabazi, the Police spokesperson for the central region, said.

"Counterfeit money has a massive negative impact on the country’s economy and fighting this crime requires combined efforts between Police and the public. By providing timely information to Police, the mobile money agent enabled our timely intervention and arrest of the suspect. We should continue to work together until we have eliminated such counterproductive tendencies,” Mbabazi said.

"If you are in any business establishment that deals with cash, there are things that you should not overlook. You should always check and verify the cash that you have been offered and ensure that there are no counterfeit bills in the mix. You can also acquire machines that help to detect fake money so that you are not cheated by criminals.”

Article 604 of the Penal Code stipulates that any person who counterfeits, uses or circulates counterfeit money is liable, upon conviction, to a term of imprisonment between two and five years and/or a fine twice to 10 times the value of the counterfeit money.
