Two arrested over theft of electronic appliances

Police in Kigali yesterday arrested two people suspected of stealing electric appliances in Giporoso, Kanombe Sector in Kicukiro District.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Police in Kigali yesterday arrested two people suspected of stealing electric appliances in Giporoso, Kanombe Sector in Kicukiro District.

Frederic Nizeyimana, 33 and Pascal Nsabimana 31, are currently held at Kicukiro Police Station as investigations continue.

The Police Spokesperson for Central Region, Superintendent Modeste Mbabazi, said Police had earlier been tipped about a planned robbery – and acted fast to foil it.

"We had credible information that there would be an attempted robbery on that particular internet café. So our officers investigated and carried out surveillance of the area. As expected, the thieves turned up and started drilling their way inside the café, using metallic materials and manual drillers. They were immediately arrested in the act,” Supt. Mbabazi said.

"This operation is a result of fruitful cooperation with residents, who provide timely information about wrongdoers and enable Police to intervene to prevent crimes. Such criminals are very dangerous and could even harm lives if not stopped in time.”

The duo was also involved in a similar crime in Nyarugunga Sector, where they allegedly stole a flat television screen and assaulted a resident, according to Police.

"We will carry out more investigations to ascertain their link. We urge residents to continue providing information to Police, which sends out a message to criminals that Rwandans are working together to protect their lives and property.”

In a related case, a man in Masaka Sector, Gasabo District was arrested on Tuesday trying to sell a stolen television to its original owner."The owner immediately alerted Police upon identifying his stolen property."

Theft without violence or threat attracts a term of imprisonment of six months to two years and a fine twice to five times the value of the stolen property or one of the penalties on conviction – while theft with violence attracts seven to ten years in prison.