RNP has done a commendable job

Editor, I realiSe Rwanda has become a regional centre of excellence in many areas.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I realiSe Rwanda has become a regional centre of excellence in many areas.

Talking about the Rwanda National Police, one would require writing a series of documentation to highlight their highly acclaimed achievements—ranging from being the best in peacekeeping, gender mainstreaming, discipline, lowest levels of crime rate, and being the least corrupt, to the cornerstone of offering high quality training and skills development programmes deserved in the region and beyond.

I can't believe our Police have achieved all this in less than 15 years of existence. The Rwanda National Police really deserve a big ‘thank you’ from all of us.

I am always amazed at how friendly, helpful, cooperative and professional the cops are in Rwanda; I tend to think that probably that's what they mean by community policing—I like it although I don't fully understand the concept.

Thumbs up to our men and women in uniform; big up to the Rwanda National Police leadership for achieving all you have achieved in just a twinkle of an eye.


Reaction to the story, "'Police Senior Command and Staff Course' students start Africa tour” (The New Times, June 15)