When will Rwanda and India sign a double taxation avoidance agreement?

Editor, This letter is with reference to your article, “Local businesses look to Asia for new markets, partnerships” (The New Times, June 11).

Monday, June 15, 2015


This letteris with reference to your article, "Local businesses look to Asia for new markets, partnerships” (The New Times, June 11).

India, with a population of over 1.2 billion people and with a very large segment of middle income as well as high income individuals, would also be an excellent market for Rwandan businessmen to forge business partnerships.

A delegation from the Rwanda Private Sector Federation would for sure reap great benefits from the great Indian sub-continent. However, the crux of the matter is the avoidance of double taxation as a catalyst and a stimulant towards enhancing trade and commerce between the two countries.

When will Rwanda and India sign a double taxation avoidance agreement? It is a well known saying, "Which came first; the chicken or the egg?”

Let us not wait for business to increase and then look at signing this agreement.

It is my firm belief that the moment a double taxation avoidance agreement is signed between our two great nations, there will be a surge in bi-lateral trade and commerce, thereby contributing to the economic growth of both countries.

Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India