Muslims urged to promote dialogue

The Rwanda Muslims Sheikhs Association has called on Muslims in the country to promote dialogue in addressing conflicts.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Rwanda Muslims Sheikhs Association has called on Muslims in the country to promote dialogue in addressing conflicts.

The call was made during a two-day workshop dubbed ‘importance of dialogue.’ It attracted 100 sheikhs from all parts of the country to share knowledge and experience on religion and development.

Speaking at the workshop in Nyamirambo, Sheikh Ibrahim Kayitare the Mufti of Rwanda urged  Muslim leaders to promote a culture of dialogues which enhances peace building.

"We have a task to unite Muslims in the country rather than creating divisions, be humble like our Prophet did, let us join hands in fighting immorality especially among the youth,” he said.

Muslim clerics should respect other religions and restrain from forcing people to convert to Islam, he added.

Sheikh  Kassim Nzanahayo, a participant also stressed the importance of dialogue in addressing differences.

"Since, sheikhs are teachers, let us be role models to the Muslims in our communities by preaching and teaching peace.

‘‘We have achieved a lot through dialogue but a lot still needs to be done,” Sheikh Kassim said.