Does flu cause high blood pressure?

Dear Doctor, I recently visited a hospital because I had flu but was told my blood pressure was high. Could this have been due to the flu? I thought high blood pressure was a disease of the elderly. Please help!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dear Doctor,

I recently visited a hospital because I had flu but was told my blood pressure was high. Could this have been due to the flu? I thought high blood pressure was a disease of the elderly. Please help! 

Cynthia 26

Dear Cynthia,

You are definitely young to have essential or primary hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure which occurs without a direct known cause. That occurs commonly in middle aged or elderly people. At 26, one can have secondary hypertension, i.e. one that occurs secondary to some other disorder or cause. Diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid, congenital abnormalities of the kidneys, renal blood vessel, adrenal glands or long term use of drugs like corticosteroids, are some of the common causes of secondary hypertension. These causes can be identified by relevant clinical examination and investigations and are treatable.

However, various studies have shown and confirmed that primary hypertension is of late also occuring in much younger people in developed countries. This is due to the fact that known risk factors for essential hypertension are increasingly being found in young people. Physical and mental stress, use of alcohol, tobacco, lack of exercise, obesity, diet rich in saturated fats are the risk factors. Hereditary factors also play a strong role. If a close blood relative has essential hypertension, the risk of an individual having it are much higher. Presence of other risk factors can precipitate and aggravate it.

However there is nothing to worry about. By taking a diet low in salt and fats, doing regular physical exercise, keeping body weight normal and avoiding alcohol and tobacco, one can control high blood pressure even without medicines. If medicines are required, they should be taken regularly. With these measures, one can have a normal, good quality life.