Akagera staff honor Kinazi Genocide victims

Akagera Aviation staff, led by Managing Director Patrick Nkurikiyimfura on Friday, paid tribute to Genocide victims of Kinazi Sector in Ruhango District.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Akagera Aviation staff, led by Managing Director Patrick Nkurikiyimfura on Friday, paid tribute to Genocide victims of Kinazi Sector in Ruhango District.

Leonard Gacumbitsi, a guide at a memorial site in Kinazi, said over sixty thousand Tutsi were killed in the area.

"Our parents, family members, friends and beloved ones were killed in the most brutal manner and those who killed them included the Interahamwe militia and the Burundian refugees who were living in Rwanda during the 1980s to 1994 when large scale killings commenced,” Gacumbitsi said adding that some of the killers like Charles Kagabo, former mayor of Ntongwe, fled to exile and are yet to be apprehended.

He added that the Interahamwe used road blocks at Nyamukumba to pick out Tutsi for killing and encircled those trying to escape. The killers used live bullets, spears, hammers, knives while some victims were burnt to ash.

"It’s our duty and responsibility as Rwandans to always remember our fellow Rwandans who were killed in the Genocide and we should never forget our past. Let us feel and behave as ‘Banyarwanda’ and not as Hutu or Tutsi,” Patrick Nkurikiyimfura, the Managing Director of Akagera Aviation Company, said.

From the memorial site, the Akagera Aviation management and staff proceeded to Nyagatovu village, Kayenzi Cell in Ntongwe Sector where they contributed items worth Rwf4m to Genocide survivors.

The items donated included over 40 mattresses, bed sheets, blankets and money to help survivors.