Good governance, decentralisation receive Rwf56 billion boost

The Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany today signed two bilateral agreements, worth 69.5 million euros (approx. Rwf60 billion), which will go into supporting decentralisation and good governance programmes in the country.

Friday, June 12, 2015
Finance Minister Claver Gatete (R) signs documents with the German Ambassador to Rwanda, Peter Fanrenholtz, yesterday. (Timothy Kisambira)

The Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany today signed two bilateral agreements, worth €69.5 million (approx. Rwf60 billion), which will go into supporting decentralisation and good governance programmes in the country.

The two grants are financial cooperation (€38 million) and technical support (€31.5 million).

The financial support will focus on the decentralisation and good governance, economic development and creation of jobs through promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programmes, Claver Gatete, the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, said.

Peter Fahrenholtz, the German envoy to Rwanda, said the support will help accelerate development at the grassroots and broader economic growth.