Doves a symbol of peace

A Dove is commonly known as a symbol of peace. Most of us know that doves are found in the home, but this is only when they have been tamed.

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Dove is commonly known as a symbol of peace. Most of us know that doves are found in the home, but this is only when they have been tamed.

Doves live in forests and build nests on tree branches using soft sticks and grass. However, in some places, people tame them and build boxes for them to live in nurturing them into domestic birds.

Doves are very lovely and make wonderful pets.

Doves are beautiful peaceful birds with bright coloured feathers that attract people to them. Their colour ranges between white to shades of blue. They have soft feathers and chubby bodies.

Doves have short necks and are usually small. They also have short narrow beaks that bend at the end so that they can easily pick food.

Their legs are also short and have scales, Eww! However, everything about doves is not short. They have very long wings that help them to fly high.

When flying, doves make patterns and designs. These beautiful birds can fly in a line or in a zigzag form while making funny cooing sounds that are almost like croaking frogs.

Doves lay eggs too, three at most. These hatch into young baby doves. Wow!

Young baby doves are called squabs. They stay in the nest and only leave when they are between 7-28 days old.
