Proffessionals react to 2015/16 Budget

This budget is friendly to the engineering sector. We appreciate the focus on infrastructure because it presents us with many opportunities, and creates jobs. Contractors, consultants and the lay people get employment from infrastructure development works and this boosts national development.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Eng Fred Rwihunda,president of the Institution of Engineers Rwanda and Managing Director of RFM Engineering

Eng Fred Rwihunda

This budget is friendly to the engineering sector. We appreciate the focus on infrastructure because it presents us with many opportunities, and creates jobs. Contractors, consultants and the lay people get employment from infrastructure development works and this boosts national development. However, this is also a challenge on engineers to ensure efficiency required to effectively partake in the country’s development agenda. A lot of efforts are required on our side; especially building the capacity of engineers so that most of this infrastructure budget is implemented by local engineering firms. we have to prepare to implement it successfully.

Enock Sibomana, a teacher

Enock Sibomana

We appreciate more emphasis on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) because it will reduce unemployment and encourage young people to join the schools when they see TVET graduates reaping big. However, this budget is not in our favour as allocations for education keep on reducing. This means government support to students could reduce, forcing some to drop out of school. I have heard that TVET teachers’ training is emphasised in the budget... it is also important to build teachers capacity. Teachers pay should also be looked into because a motivated teacher produces competent graduates.

Eugene Musinga, a businessman

Eugene Musinga

This budget supports business since it has exempted or reduced taxes on some commodities, besides, focusing on infrastructure and export promotion. Business and infrastructure are inseparable. We need adequate roads and electricity. So, as emphasis has been put on energy development, businesses will benefit. However, more efforts should be put on export promotion to increase our foreign exchange reserves because there is currently scarcity of foreign currencies, especially the US dollar which we need to buy supplies. The government should also extend more facilitation to local producers to reduce imports and increase exports.

Theotime Manzi, a nurse

Theotime Manzi

The health sector received a small budget yet a lot needs to be done. The country faces scarcity of health workers, while some of those in the field need regular trainings to tackle new health challenges. Healthcare facilities, including buildings, medical materials and medicines are still insufficient. We would like to see more funds allocated in capacity building and infrastructure development for the betterment of the health sector.