Zimbabwe talks should not fail

Dear editor, Zimbabwe’s peace seems to be far from being achieved. The talks between Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and the new Prime Minister-designate, Morgan Tsvangirai, which people expected to end the crisis, have failed to reach agreement on a unity cabinet. 

Monday, October 06, 2008

Dear editor,

Zimbabwe’s peace seems to be far from being achieved. The talks between Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and the new Prime Minister-designate, Morgan Tsvangirai, which people expected to end the crisis, have failed to reach agreement on a unity cabinet. 

Remember that the two sides signed a power-sharing deal a couple of weeks ago after an impasse over who the legitimate leader of the country is?

The Zimbabwean people are facing a continuous threat of hunger where 3 million people survive on food hand outs. So the political wrangling is not not favouring them at all and should stop forthwith.
