Rwanda can become a medical tourism hub

Editor, This is with reference to your article, “Cardiovascular treatment centre to bring relief to heart patients” (The New Times, June 2).

Friday, June 05, 2015


This is with reference to your article, "Cardiovascular treatment centre to bring relief to heart patients” (The New Times, June 2).

It is very encouraging to learn that The Heart Team, a US-based humanitarian non-governmental organization, has announced plans to open a cardiovascular treatment facility in Rwanda.

While this facility is expected to start treatment between 2018 and 2019 as reported, please allow me to share with your esteemed readers that "Healing Little Hearts”, a UK registered charity, will bring smiles to many in the country, next month, when they bring in a renowned medical team of eight, including surgeons, cardiovascular specialists and nurses, to perform open heart surgeries on ailing little children.

Dr. Sanjiv Nichani, the founder, has been carrying out this charity work in India for the last seven to eight years and has now very graciously extended his charity work to include this beautiful nation of Rwanda.

With such initiatives—The Heart Team and Healing Little Hearts—Rwanda will not only be the land of a thousand hills and a million smiles, but, more importantly, the "Medical Tourism” hub in East Africa.

Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India