Media practitioners need business acumen

Editor, Media success is premised on professionalism and ethics of journalists and “fair play” in reporting. Making profits or losses is in fact a question of business acumen in the media. Investment in media, like any business, needs capital, hence, as journalist, you cannot wake up and put up your own business and anticipate “shortcut gains” overnight.

Thursday, June 04, 2015


Media success is premised on professionalism and ethics of journalists and "fair play” in reporting. Making profits or losses is in fact a question of business acumen in the media. Investment in media, like any business, needs capital, hence, as journalist, you cannot wake up and put up your own business and anticipate "shortcut gains” overnight.

Rwandan media should avoid blackmail if they are to succeed. Rwandans are peaceful; if you bring in pre-Genocide era styles in reporting, you lose readership and run out of business.

Ethics, ethical conduct, professional journalism, business acumen…are all virtues that will save the media landscape of our beloved Rwanda.



Good JK! Government officials like me find comfort zone in emails.

Journalists complain of lack of motivation and facilitation from employers on their way to our offices, and then end up in situations that tantamount to "sympathy”, hence compromising independence of the media.

Secondly, there’s also distortion of facts we give when we do not facilitate.


Reactions to the story, "Media practitioners appeal for more government support” (The New Times, June 1)