Women should do sport

Dear editor,I like the sports angle that Rwanda is taking by involving women in sport.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dear editor,
I like the sports angle that Rwanda is taking by involving women in sport.

I believe that sport is beneficial to all, and at every level.

It does not only improve health, but also boosts one’s self-confidence through greater awareness of one’s body.

Other than this, it is also a way of learning how to show solidarity and how to excel in an area of someone’s life, by working with others in a team.

There are great values that can be learnt by participating in sport.

They can learn a number of life skills that include teamwork, dedication, discipline, dealing with adversity, handling success and failure, leadership, and perseverance.

One way to encourage Rwandans to get involved in sports is to promote it in schools.

Involving children in sports activities in schools is a vital way of stimulating and promoting better performance.

Not only should boys be encouraged to do sports, the participation of girls in such activities is also important.

Getting access to every sporting discipline, irrespective of the child’s gender, and the holding of competitions in which pupils take part are vital to spotting talent in boys and girls alike.

This will enable them to realize their sporting potential and benefit in the end.

According to research made  by  the Women’s Sports Foundation  in the USA  which found that girls who participate in athletics are less likely to get involved in drugs, less likely to have unintended pregnancy and three times more likely to graduate from high school.

And women who are active in sports and recreational activities feel greater self-confidence, self-esteem and pride in their physical selves as compared to girls who are inactive as children.

Girls and women who are physically active possess higher self-esteem and lower rates of depression.

Therefore, with this, I would like to encourage every girl child and woman out there to get involved in sports.

This is all for our own good.