Why are young children getting grey hair?

Dear doctor, I always thought grey hair was for old people. Of late however, I’m seeing even children as young as 10 years get grey hair. Is it premature growth or poor feeding? What causes it and how can one get rid of it at a young age?

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dear doctor,

I always thought grey hair was for old people. Of late however, I’m seeing even children as young as 10 years get grey hair. Is it premature growth or poor feeding? What causes it and how can one get rid of it at a young age?

Sam, 40

Dear Sam,

It is unfortunate but true. Many young people are getting grey hair these days. Normally graying occurs due to reduced production of melanin (pigment responsible for black colour of hair), which occurs as age advances. But apart from this, there are other reasons for premature graying of hair.

Stress is cited as one of the factors that can cause premature graying but this has not been proved by studies.

Nutrient deficiencies particularly due to lack of iron, vitamin B.complex, iodine and copper can lead to premature graying of hair. Unhygienic conditions of the scalp, excess dryness, chronic infections of scalp are also responsible for premature graying of hair. One suffering from chronic recurrent cold and or sinusitis is also prone to have early graying of hair. Disease conditions like hypothyroidism, pituitary deficiency can cause early graying of hair as one of the manifestations. Chronic smoking also increases susceptibility to this condition. Chronic exposure to heavy metals like lead can cause this condition.

Bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide present in hair dyes and colours are known to cause premature graying of hair.

Besides these, racial and genetic factors also increase the likelihood of one having early graying of hair. Whites are more prone to have early graying of hair, whereas in Africans and Asians it occurs comparatively later. In fact premature graying in a white race person is said to occur if he develops it in early teen years whereas in a person of Asian or African origin graying occurring in 20s or more would be premature graying.  One is more susceptible to early graying of hair if one of the parents has the same condition.

It is important to be relaxed and maintain  good nutrition to prevent early hair graying. Food should include plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains. One should be careful because this is one condition which once if starts can be retarded but not reversed. Synthetic hair dyes and colours should be avoided if one has naturally grey hair. Smoking should be avoided. Those having recurrent cold can avoid the condition by preventing potential allergens and use of steam and medicated inhalers.

Keeping the hair and scalp clean is also a good preventive strategy. Some senior citizens say by experience that regular massage of the scalp by natural oils like coconut or olive oil is healthy for scalp and hair and also prevents premature graying.

Tests for thyroid and pituitary dysfunction can be done to know any underlying treatable disease. If the early graying has already started, white colour of strands of hair can be camouflaged by natural dyes like henna/indigo, etc. Indian gooseberry (amla) is very useful for prevention and treatment of white hair, whether applied locally as a paste  or eaten.