Kigali hosts high-level health meet

Public and private stakeholders from over 40 countries are meeting in Kigali for a three-day conference whose main focus is to discuss role of the private sector in financial sustainability of healthcare delivery systems.

Monday, May 18, 2015
Participants listen to presentations at the East African Health Federation meeting at Hotel Serena. (Timothy Kisambira)

Public and private stakeholders from over 40 countries are meeting in Kigali for a three-day conference whose main focus is to discuss role of the private sector in financial sustainability of healthcare delivery systems.

During this fourth East Africa Healthcare Federation (EAHF), which started this morning, participants will deeply discuss innovative models for access to healthcare; new trends in technology, aligning partnerships with the private sector among others.

Opening the session, Prime Minister Anastase Murekezi, urged participants to understand that when talking about health systems, people often to think primarily about the public sector yet this is "very wrong.”

"I urge you to deeply discuss the topics on agenda especially the innovative models for access to healthcare,” Murekezi.

Tomorrow, participants will discuss new healthcare investments in Rwanda as well as share notes on the West African healthcare perspective.

Success stories within the private sector will also be presented and, the role of the private sector as regards the Ebola epidemic, which last year ravaged countries in West Africa, will also be tackled.