Inganzo Ngari president dies at 44
Friday, October 27, 2023
Alain Nzeyimana. Net photo

Alain Nzeyimana, President of Inganzo Ngari Cultural Troupe, passed away on October 26 at the age of 44 after battling illness.

In an interview with The New Times, Serge Nahimana, spokesperson of Inganzo Ngari, revealed that Nzeyimana had been hospitalized at King Faisal Hospital for the past three weeks.

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Nzeyimana, who was also the co-founder of the cultural troupe, played a pivotal role in the growth and success of this renowned traditional dance troupe, which began its operations in 2006. The troupe comprises more than 100 members and has been instrumental in showcasing Rwandan culture both locally and internationally.

Alain Cyitatire, as his group called him, was revered for embodying the grace and dignity of Rwanda's cultural heritage through his performances.

"His influence extended beyond his role as a performer, as he served as a father figure, mentor, and beloved brother to many. His guidance, wisdom, and support left an indelible mark on the lives of those who had the privilege of knowing him.” said a statement from Inganzo Ngari Cultural Troupe.

"The loss of Alain is deeply felt by all who were touched by his boundless love and infectious smile. His courage and commitment to preserve and promote Rwandan culture will serve as a lasting example for generations to come,” they added.

Nzeyimana is survived by his wife and three children, who, along with the broader Rwandan community, mourn his untimely passing.