First Lady fundraises for Imbuto in the US

First Lady Jeannette Kagame, on Thursday, was guest of honour at a fundraiser hosted in Washington DC by global business leader and philanthropist Micheal Ansari, which was held under the ambit of the Friends of Imbuto Foundation.

Friday, May 15, 2015
First Lady Jeannette Kagame is introduced to guests by Ansari (2nd L) as she arrives for the fundraiser. (Courtesy)

First Lady Jeannette Kagame, on Thursday, was guest of honour at a fundraiser hosted in Washington DC by global business leader and philanthropist Micheal Ansari, which was held under the ambit of the Friends of Imbuto Foundation.

At the event, which attracted over 50 friends of Rwanda, the First Lady spoke of Rwanda’s journey of resilience.

"It is impossible not to be inspired by the resilience of our once devastated country, so we started Imbuto Foundation, in order to contribute to a new surge of optimism and opportunity in Rwanda,” she is quoted in a statement from her office as saying.

She said at the event she would not speak as First Lady, but as a mother and also an advocate of Imbuto Foundation, an organisation that has for 13 years empowered the youth through helping them attain education and guidance.

"Over the years, I have come to appreciate that being a mother and leading a foundation, especially one as young as Imbuto, in a young country, are more closely connected than one may think,” Mrs Kagame said.

Both jobs require nurturing, love, resourcefulness and a sense of hope, for what the future holds, she added.

"I thought I was almost through with taking care of teenagers, but 13 years later, Imbuto Foundation is my fifth child and, trust me, I have more than enough energy to see this one through,” Mrs Kagame, a mother of four, said.

Every year, Imbuto grants at least 1,000 scholarships to the most disadvantaged students and recognises the brightest schoolgirls, at award ceremonies all over the country.

"We expect to see our youth engaged, educated and empowered.

"This is why I am energised and filled with motherly pride when I see the two extraordinary young Rwandan women here, Grace and Angel,” she added.

The First Lady was referring to two girls, Grace Mutesi and Angel Uwamahoro, who attended the event and spoke of how the Foundation has impacted their lives.

Chaired by Maureen Ruettgers, Friends of Imbuto was established in Massachusetts in 2014 as a non-profit tax-exempt entity that aims to support the work of Imbuto Foundation.

Imbuto Foundation engages, educates and empowers vulnerable communities, through social innovations in health, education, youth and economic empowerment.