World Bank MD arrives,tours Rubavu border post

The World Bank Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer Sri Mulyani Indrawati arrived in Rwanda by road, last night via Goma town in eastern DR. Congo.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Sri Mulyani Indrawati. (Courtesy)

The World Bank Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer Sri Mulyani Indrawati arrived in Rwanda by road, last night via Goma town in eastern DR. Congo.

Indrawati who spent two days in DR Congo where she arrived on Monday, is expected in Kigali later this evening ahead of a busy schedule on Thursday and Friday.

This morning, Indrawati interacted with Rwandan and Congolese women who are engaged in the informal cross-border trade between the two countries, the women shared their experience and some of the challenges they face, according to the Country Office of the bank.

Accompanied by the district and provincial leaders, Indrawati also visited the Rwanda-DR-Congo border post where she observed the flow of trade across the border.

Meanwhile, according to a source in the Rwanda World Bank communication office says she will among others visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Gisozi where she will pay tribute to the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

She is also expected to visit the anti-GBV one stop centre at Rwanda National Police and also visit Rwanda Development Board (RDB) offices.

Indrawati, who joined World Bank in June 2010 after serving as Indonesia’s minister of finance is currently in the north-eastern region where she’s visiting various projects that her organisation is financing.

She will visit an agricultural demonstration project in Nyabihu district and later tour the Mutobo Demobilization and Reintegration Centre in Musanze District before heading to Kigali.

The World Bank portfolio in Rwanda currently comprises of thirteen national and six regional active projects with net commitments of $751 million whose objectives range from helping farmers manage marshland and hillside cropping to rehabilitating water supply systems and providing electricity to rural households.