The world should step in to save Burundians

Editor, Refer to the article, “Exiled Burundian judge fears for deepening crisis” (The New Times, May 8).

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Refer to the article, "Exiled Burundian judge fears for deepening crisis” (The New Times, May 8).

This proud son of Burundi should be commended for his courage and wisdom. I am genuinely proud to have such men ("umugabo” in the customary law jargon) in the Burundi judiciary system and gratified to know that Burundians with such courage are fighting the country’s battle against injustice and state-sponsored unrest.

Every citizen has every reason to share that pride. Almost every hour of every day for the last few weeks, other proud sons and daughters of Burundi are risking their life resisting injustice. Some have been killed by the Imbonerakure militia disguised in police uniforms.

I hope that the world will now move faster to halt the slaughter of the sons and daughter of Burundi in wake of new revelations of arms distributions and macabre plans to kill opposition leaders and all citizens opposed to President Pierre Nkurunziza’s unconstitutional third term.

If Nkurunziza put pressure on constitutional judges, including death threats, one can easily guess what pressure the same Nkurunziza will put on the electoral commission (Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante) to rig the elections.

Even if Nkurunziza’s third term were constitutional, I doubt he’s fit to lead a once proud and independent nation like Burundi whose national anthem praises the values of "unity, heroes and security”.
