Investment in irrigation is a worthy venture

Editor, We can all full-heartedly applaud this welcome support to our country’s largest and most important sector, in terms of its contribution to our aggregate economic output, its share in overall employment, and its role in our food security.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


We can all full-heartedly applaud this welcome support to our country’s largest and most important sector, in terms of its contribution to our aggregate economic output, its share in overall employment, and its role in our food security.

It is such measures, supplemented by improvements in the use of our agricultural land, greater utilisation of organic (non-chemical) fertilisers, better management of the post-harvest storage, food processing, transport and distribution functions, that will both increase our food security and generate greater incomes for both our rural population and everybody else in our food distribution chain.

The potential for raising productivity many times over in our food sector cannot be over-stated. What is more, such extensive productivity gains can be achieved without succumbing to the false advertising of the GMO advocates?

Mwene Kalinda

Reaction to the story, "Government earmarks Rwf65b for modern irrigation technology” (The New Times, May 8)