Why more Rwandans will be happy to return home

Editor, Reference is made to the story, “Iradukunda walked away from the ‘American Dream’ to trace his humble roots back home” (The New Times, May 8). Let us face it; you only get people to come back because you represent an opportunity- period.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Reference is made to the story, "Iradukunda walked away from the ‘American Dream’ to trace his humble roots back home” (The New Times, May 8). Let us face it; you only get people to come back because you represent an opportunity— period. Rwanda is doing its best today in that aspect, but there is still large room for improvement, even as when compared to peers there is almost no match. If this goes on long enough, it will at certain time break the gates and everyone will be rushing there.



Sharp young minds giving back to and building this country for the better! This is how the Iradukundas and Twagirayezus of the world turn into inspirational characters. And the cycle continues; amazing!



Once our generation understands that Rwanda is them (not others but you the individual) and get to cope with their identity there will be no more son or daughter of Rwanda who will go running around the world chasing some other countries’ dreams or life because that life belongs to people who don’t have homes and that’s not true in our case. Kudos to Yves for having taken such a big step and please help open others’ eyes and minds too, cause there’s no place like home.
