The elegance of high heels

Shoes are a woman’s best friend (well, after jewellery some say) and when it comes to high heels, any woman who understands style in the 21st century must have a pair.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Shoes are a woman’s best friend (well, after jewellery some say) and when it comes to high heels, any woman who understands style in the 21st century must have a pair.

But there’s one thing that some women do not understand about high heels; they are not as elegant if you can’t walk comfortable in them. In fact, before you rush off to find a replica of those 7-inch boots you saw Victoria Beckham wear, ask yourself; will I be able to walk comfortably in them? Otherwise it will be a total disaster.

Jeanne Ntakirutimana, a designer at Glory Shop in Remera, says that girls are in love with stilettos more than anything. However, she says that some have difficulty in picking the right pair of shoes because all they mind about is the trend.

"If they are wedges they always pick out the utmost inches, but I think one should pick out something they will be able to wear instead of taking home something they will wear once, suffer with, then keep in the wardrobe,” Ntakirutimana says.

So, if you want to treat yourself to a new pair of killer heels, try out these tips;

•Buy shoes with a soft inside: this will give comfort to your feet giving them space to arch, this makes your shoe fit closer to your foot, making it easier to maneuver.

•Start with a smaller inch: if you’re just starting your journey into the high heel world, go for those with smaller inches and after sometime after getting used to the whole thing, you can go for the stilettos.

•Make sure your shoes fit: If your shoes are not well fitting, that is if they are either tight or loose, it makes it almost impossible walking naturally.

The don’ts of wearing heels

•Do not take big steps: Wearing heels makes your stride shorter than normal; one should therefore mind their steps so as not to end up looking like an amateur.

•Do not rush: walking quickly in heels often looks awkward. Walking slowly on the other hand gives off an air of confidence therefore it’s best to take your time in heels.

•Do not wear heels when you have to walk a lot: Wear high heels only when you don’t have to walk a lot, like to work and special occasions such as parties or even weddings.

Even though heels bring out the elegance in a woman, they are associated with dangers to one’s health, for instance they can cause foot pain and increase the chances of suffering sprains and fractures.

"When one is out to buy a nice pair of heels, they should mind about the inches of the heel, the softness of the shoe’s inside, or even go for those with a larger heel base,” Felicien Nkuriziryo, a boutique vendor in Giporoso Remera, cautions.


Choose the right heels

The heel hangover

Forget alcohol, more women suffer from the high heel hangover, after a night of dancing away in their shoes. Your calf muscle contracts when you lift your leg to walk but, in high heels, your ankle is a few inches above the ground before taking a step, so the calf has to work much harder. If your muscle isn’t used to it, like going to the gym for a workout, it will stiffen up the next day! If you are a slave to fashion and cannot do without high heeled shoes, try the following to make your feet more comfortable.

The right fit

Sounds incredulous but most wear footwear at least half a size too small. It’s important your shoes fit properly, as your toes should have space to move. Measure your feet every time you buy shoes, as even a few extra pounds can make your shoe size larger. The number one reason why women experience pain or get blisters or abrasions from their high heels is because they wear shoes that aren’t the right size. Remember, if you shoes don’t fit right, it doesn’t matter how cute they are.

Provide cushion

While a full-shoe insert can help, if you have pain in the ball of the foot or if you will be standing in your heels for a long time, invest in silicone metatarsal pads. They look like flattened gummy bears, and absorb shock. There are even some that are specifically designed to be used with high heels to reduce blistering

Exercise your feet

A lifetime of poor shoe choices means that we need to make foot fitness a priority. It is possible to undo much footwear damage if you follow certain exercises. Stretching out your legs and feet the morning after you’ve danced the night away in towering heels, lengthens the muscles and gets the blood flowing again. Core strengthening exercises, three times a week, can help stabilize your feet and decrease the stress from high heeled shoes. They also help with backache, knee pain and foot pain caused by instability. You can also do yoga.

Choose a thicker heel

Try to avoid a severely pointed heel and go for a square toe box. A thicker heel will give you better balance, stability and may help relieve some pressure by distributing the weight of your body on your foot more evenly. It’s always better to wear a wider and more supportive heel. For example, a wedged heel is less demanding on the leg muscles, as it has a larger surface area, so it is more stable. The thinner the heel, the more impact on your foot.

Pamper your feet

Get a regular pedicure. Having a pedicure and keeping your toenails in good shape can help with ingrown toenails, also caused by shoe pressure. It will soothe your tired and achy feet. If your feet are too dry, apply a moisturiser, as they can develop rough areas on pressure points, which can crack and become painful. For best results apply apply the mousturiser after a bath.

Take a heel holiday

If you’ve been sporting high heels for a continuous stretch, it’s a good idea to give your feet a chance to relax. Walking around barefoot sounds ideal but is highly impractical, so invest in a good pair of flats or sneakers. After all, your feet deserve to be treated well too!
