Youth donate to the vulnerable

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — A group of youths belonging to the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Kayonza district has donated an assortment of materials worth Frw1.5 million to vulnerable residents of Humure, Ndego Sector in Kayonza district.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


KAYONZA — A group of youths belonging to the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Kayonza district has donated an assortment of materials worth Frw1.5 million to vulnerable residents of Humure, Ndego Sector in Kayonza district.  

The items that included food stuffs, scholastic material and clothes were handed over on Tuesday, at a function attended by area youth leaders, sector leaders and other party members.

Dieu Donné Nteziyaremye, who led the group, said they intended to address the problem of food shortages among the recipients.

"It was also a sign of appreciation to the sector for their participation in the elections and making RPF triumph,” Nteziyaremye said.

Nteziyaremye asked the residents to fully utilise the forthcoming rainy season, by acquiring seeds in time and engage in extensive agriculture to prevent food shortages.

He promised that they would offer more support to the group in future.

Charles Kayitare, the Executive Secretary of Ndego Sector, thanked the youth for the support, describing it as a good gesture which was long over due.

Kayitare explained that the area is normally hit by too much heat which affects crop production.

He however, said they are encouraging farmers to adopt ways of irrigating their crops to avoid over reliance on the unpredictable rainfall. 

Improved seeds which take shorter period to mature would be planted, he said.
