Three arrested for vandalism, theft of electric cables

Three people have been arrested in Nyabihu District in a crackdown on individuals and groups involved in vandalism and theft of electricity cables connecting households in the area.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Three people have been arrested in Nyabihu District in a crackdown on individuals and groups involved in vandalism and theft of electricity cables connecting households in the area.

Jean Bosco Nshimiyimana, Patrick Bagaragaza and Emmanuel Uwayisaba were apprehended earlier this week after they were found with over 80 meters of stolen electric cables.

The cables were recovered from Nshimiyimana’s home in Rega Cell, Bigogwe Sector.

The stolen wires had been bought using money contributed by the households in the community.

Preliminary investigations indicate that Nshimiyimana and Bagaragaza allegedly cut down electric poles connecting some households in Bigogwe before stealing the cables.

They are said to have committed the crime on Sunday night, leaving a number of households in a blackout, according to Inspector of Police Theobard Kanamugire, Police spokesperson for the Western region,

The third suspect, Uwayisaba, although not yet implicated in the Sunday night incident, is accused of theft of cables from three houses in the area.

"We have already identified and handed over the recovered cables to owners, but investigations are still underway to recover others and arrest all those connected to these acts of vandalism and theft of public infrastructure,” IP Kanamugire said.

He called for tight night patrols and full participation of communities in the fight against crimes.

One of the victims, Faustin Mutabazi, thanked Rwanda National Police (RNP) for the quick response to recover the cables and arrest suspects.