MTN pays Rwf8.25m tuition for Bugesera school dropouts

More disadvantaged children in Bugesera District will be able to access quality education, thanks to a donation of Rwf8.25 million from MTN Rwanda to support students who had dropped out of school due to lack of fees.

Monday, April 27, 2015
ETO deputy head teacher in charge of discipline, Gasana Etienne (right), at receives a mobile money-enabled SIM card from Rwagaju and Asiimwe at the district head offices. The students' fees will be sent using mobile money transfer service. (Jean Nepo Ndikumana)

More disadvantaged children in Bugesera District will be able to access quality education, thanks to a donation of Rwf8.25 million from MTN Rwanda to support students who had dropped out of school due to lack of fees.

The grant, which was received by Bugesera District mayor Louis Rwagaju at the district head offices on Friday, will benefit 20 students for a period of three years.

"I wish to thank MTN Rwanda for supporting initiatives that help improve lives of Rwandans, including investing in access to education,” Rwagaju said.

"When private sector companies leverage their resources to support initiatives like this, the entire society benefits.”

While speaking during the grant handover ceremony, Mary Asiimwe, the telecom’s general manager for human resources and corporate affairs, said the donation was part of MTN’s ongoing commitment to invest in education for all.

"We want children, who dropped out due to lack of fees and other challenges, to resume their studies. Making a difference in the lives of such students is critical to the success of our youth and guarantees the nation’s future,” Asiimwe said.

Asiimwe explained that the long-term goal is to build partnerships with schools and government to improve the level of education to achieve education for all.

She added that the gesture was also part of the firm’s corporate social responsibility that aims at strengthening its relationship with communities and clients.

Bugesera is one of the three districts to benefit from the programme. Others are Kicukiro and Nyarugenge districts, according to Asiimwe.

The beneficiary students are enrolled at four secondary schools; Ecole Technique Officielle (ETO) in Nyamata and Lycee de la Sainte Trinite in Bugesera and IPRS East in Ngoma District, while others are at ES Mutovu in Nyamagabe District.

The money will be channelled into schools accounts by the district through mobile money service. While giving the representatives of the schools the first installment of the students’ tuition fees and mobile money-enabled SIM cards, mayor Rwagaju challenged them to provide high quality education.

In 2014, MTN staff contributed over $30,000 (about Rwf21.8 million) to support underprivileged pupils and also supported 20 schools during its annual ‘21 Days of Y’ello care’.

The activity saw schools receive desks, books and sports equipment for childhood development. Over 500 learners and 200 high school teachers were also equipped with basic ICT skills by MTN staff in collaboration with the Rwanda Education Board.