Letter from the editor

You might be fooled by its title, but make no mistake about it, Ms Geek has nothing to do with glitzy tiaras and elegant evening gowns. On the contrary, the now popular competition, organised by Girls in ICT, is out to clarify that science and technology is just as much a girl’s thing as it is for boys.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You might be fooled by its title, but make no mistake about it, Ms Geek has nothing to do with glitzy tiaras and elegant evening gowns. On the contrary, the now popular competition, organised by Girls in ICT, is out to clarify that science and technology is just as much a girl’s thing as it is for boys. 

On 25 April, Ms Geek 2015 will be selected at the second edition of the annual event that was launched last year. In our main story this week, last year’s people’s choice winner in the Ms Geek competition, Chantal Mukundwa, gives us a glimpse into the race that is determined to inspire Rwandan girls to join the male-dominated field of sciences.

Also, Nancy Sibo (Ms. Geek 2014) talks about Mobile Cow, the application that won the competition and the many doors that have since opened for her.

Rachel Garuka