Business leaders trained in corporate governance

In a bid to promote professional governance of businesses, the Private Sector Federation (PSF), an umbrella organisation of private enterprises in the country is training the country’s top business leaders on corporate governance.

Thursday, October 02, 2008
Emmanuel Hategeka, PSF Secretary General. (File photo)

In a bid to promote professional governance of businesses, the Private Sector Federation (PSF), an umbrella organisation of private enterprises in the country is training the country’s top business leaders on corporate governance.

The five-day training workshop that started Wednesday at Hotel Novotel Umubano is also expected to expose participants to the challenges of corporate leadership.

"This builds their leadership and team work skills,” said Susan Mudhune, the Director of the Center for Corporate Governance.

Mudhune added that, directors and managers at the workshop will share experiences and challenges; and should be in better position to instill good corporate governance in their respective institutions.

Mudhune who is also the course facilitator revealed that this type of training has been conducted in other East African Community (EAC) member states. 

The training conducted by experts from the Center for Corporate Governance of Kenya involved issues such as principles of corporate governance and codes of best practice.

It also focused on legal duties and responsibilities of directors, with various case studies.

The Secretary General of PSF, Emmanuel Hategeka said the training is part of those numerous PSF initiatives that aim at capacity building among Rwandan Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and leaders of partner institutions with competitive leadership skills. 

"We want them to exercise effective leadership in their organizations, craft meaningful strategies, and to ensure that they abide by the legal obligations,” Hategeka said. 

"At the end of this training, we want them to go back to their respective institutions and make a difference”, he added.

Referring to the ongoing financial crisis among big companies in the US and Europe, Hategeka said, "We do not want this to come to Rwanda. We are now equipping Rwandan CEOs and public institutions with good corporate governance skills among them”.

In line with this, the PSF Director of Capacity Building, Molly Rwigamba said the federation is planning to also establish a Center for Corporate Governance where it will be training its Board members and CEOs, regularly.

The workshop that attracted 25 directors of public institutions and top managers of private companies was sponsored by PSF and it cost the federation $1000 per participant for the training.
