Rampaging killer of six arrested

BUGESERA - Security organs have succeeded in identifying and arresting the gunman who on Thursday evening went on a rampage and killed six people in Kimisagara, a Kigali City suburb and later fled into hiding.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
TRIGGER HAPPY: Pvt. J.Baptist Muhoza was arrested in Bugesera where he had fled after killing six people in cold blood.

BUGESERA - Security organs have succeeded in identifying and arresting the gunman who on Thursday evening went on a rampage and killed six people in Kimisagara, a Kigali City suburb and later fled into hiding.

According to the Military Spokesman Maj. Jill Rutaremara, the killer was identified as Pvt. Jean Baptiste Muhoza and that he belonged to the 14th battalion before he went Absent Without Leave (AWOL) with a Sub Machine Gun (SMG) of the AK47 type and two full magazines.

Muhoza fled to Bugesera District in the Eastern Province and was hiding in Cyohoha swamp before he was arrested on Monday.

The manhunt was was carried out by officers from the Military Police and the National Police with the help of the population.

In an interview with reporters after his arrest, Muhoza admitted the charges and said that he was angered by a motor cycle taxi operator who overcharged and then tried to attack him.

"He tried to manhandle me physically and I turned the gun on him; immediately a crowd started stoning me and I also shot at them killing five of them,” the man explained.

The incident took place on Thursday September 25 at Rwezamenyo in Kimisagara.

Police is also holding a suspect by the names of Brigitte Mukansama for allegedly trying to prevent the arrest of Muhoza by hiding information from authorities.

Current reports indicate that the suspect is being held at Kanombe Military detention facility and will be produced in court soon.
